Monday, April 27, 2009

Education Program with ForexGen

ForexGen, in cooperation with E-market online, a leading online forex learning center, presents a series of online forex courses designed to guide beginners through the competitive world of Forex trading. This comprehensive, step-by-step approach to foreign exchange provides students with in-depth information, proper training, and useful resources - all the tools necessary for profitable trading.

With ForexGen, forex learning comes together with practicing: as students learn more about forex, they will be invited to put their knowledge into practice and put their skills to the test – all with no risk of course. Indeed, there is no better way to enter the forex market than through the ForexGen Demo Platform. As you absorb the information you will have learned, we will teach you how to trade and how to invest smartly on the FX market, in real market conditions. From the basics of forex to advanced trade orders and trading strategies, our learning programs will teach you the skills that make a good trader.

Main topics addressed in our forex courses

  • Forex market introduction: Learn the particularities of the foreign exchange market and how forex fits in the greater world of finance.
  • Trading strategies and tools: See how you can combine different trades and what trading tools you may use.
  • Types of deals: Find out about various forex market orders.
  • Fundamental and Technical Analysis: Interpreting graphs and economic data to make market predictions.
  • The Fibonacci correction: One of traders’ favorite technical indicators for identifying and predicting market trends.
  • Guide to online trading: How to start trading over the Internet.
  • Trading psychology: Adrenaline, impulses, and trading profiles – what kind of trader are you?
  • Money and Risk Management methods: One of the main aspects of speculation consists in increasing your chances for profit while reducing your chances for loss. Find out how.
  • What makes a champion trader: The do’s and don’ts of online trading.

Why such an education is important?

The main appeal of forex trading is that it can become a very lucrative source of profit. There is, however, a downside: it can also lead to substantial losses. Unfortunately, traders who rush into deals without a solid training – and they are numerous – are bound to burn. So why learn the hard way? With ForexGen's online forex courses, you acquire all the skills that make a successful trader. Forex learning was never so easy!

Why Trade Forex with ForexGen

As you probably know, choosing an online broker is the first challenge you are faced with when considering trading forex online. Well, you've come to the right place! With ForexGen, you can rest assured; you are in the best of hands! There are many reasons why trade forex with ForexGen. One of them is that we are always ahead of the competition by constantly adding new products and upgrading our online trading platform for better performance and ease of use. Very few forex brokers offer the level of reliability and professionalism that characterize ForexGen. In fact, no other forex broker will attend to you like we do. It is important for us that you feel comfortable trading forex and other financial products on our system and that you feel you can trust us: that's why our business practices are based on values such as excellence, reliability and proficiency. Those ForexGen Values are at the core of our company's identity.

When you start trading with ForexGen, you won't want to trade anywhere else. And this is because we offer products and service of the highest quality in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Benefits of Forex Trading with ForexGen

Forex offers great investment opportunities for those wishing to diversify their portfolio. Forex benefits and advantages are many. Here are some of the main reasons why more and more corporate and individual investors choose to trade forex:

  • No Commissions, Small Transaction Costs: This is probably one of the most attractive forex benefits. Indeed, when you trade forex, you are not charged any fees or commissions on your deals. The way it works is that brokerage firms get paid through spreads (the difference between the bid and the ask price). This allows for extremely low transaction costs. Thanks to its large number of clients and to the large volume and capital traded through the platform, ForexGen offers very competitive spreads on the main currency pairs.
  • Leverage Trading: High Returns with Relatively Small Deposits. this means that even if traders deposit a small amount of money, they can actually trade with a much bigger contract value. ForexGen offers a 200 to 1 leverage. If you make a $100 margin deposit, you can actually trade $20,000 worth of currencies. With a $1,000 margin deposit, you can buy or sell $200,000 worth of currencies. However, you must keep in mind that if leverage allows for substantial profits, it also can lead to equally significant loss. One of the chief forex benefits can thus become a major liability. That's why you need to figure out your own risk management policy before you start trading.
  • High Liquidity: This refers to the forex market's ability to quickly convert or liquidate deals through buying or selling and without causing a significant price movement. The high liquidity of the forex market is mainly due to the large volume of currencies traded around the world. That way, currencies are exchanged instantaneously, 24 hours a day and with minimum loss value, since the next trade is usually executed at the same price as the last one. In the forex market, there are always plenty of ready and willing buyers and sellers.
  • Open 24 hours a day: The forex market is open 'round the clock, 5 days a week, from Sunday 5 pm EST to Friday afternoon 4 pm EST. This is due to the fact that there is an overlap of different time zones and that there is no physical central exchange that opens and closes at a particular time. Forex works through a global electronic network of corporations, banks and individuals. When you hear that a certain rate closed at particular price, this refers to the price at market close in London or elsewhere. However, unlike securities, currencies are still traded somewhere else in the world. The global scope of currency trading, as well as the high demand for currency, implies that there are always investors somewhere who are willing to buy or sell currencies. This also allows traders to trade on a part-time basis, meaning that they can choose to trade whenever they want.

24hrOnline Forex Trading With ForexGen

With a volume of $3 trillion traded each day, the foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world. While Forex trading was once the exclusive domain of banks and large financial institutions, the rise of Internet technology has made it accessible to all types of investors including individuals with small investment capital. As word of its substantial and quick potential profits is spreading, online forex trading is becoming more popular each day.

Through online currency brokers such as ForexGen, traders can now buy and sell currencies in one mouse click and with no commissions or fees. Online forex trading allows you to take advantage of market fluctuations – even small – in various currency rates. At ForexGen, you get free access to topnotch tools which will help you predict market direction and place your orders.

Lowest Spread with ForexGen

If we take no commissions or fees, then how are we compensated for our brokerage services, might you ask? The answer is: the spread. As you may have noticed, a currency pair quote comes with two displayed rates for instance, GBP/USD 2.025/2.028. Those refer respectively to the bid price (the rate at which you may short sell the pair) and the ask price (the rate at which you may buy the pair). The spread is the difference between those two rates. The tighter the spread, the more advantageous it is for you. ForexGen offers spreads as low as 1 pip on the main currency pairs. ForexGen is able to offer such tight spreads thanks to the huge capital traded by its clients each day and the excellent inter-bank conditions thus negotiated.

ForexGen Introduces Forex Market

The Foreign Exchange Market – better known as FOREX - is a world wide market for buying and selling currencies. It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $1.5 trillion (US dollars).

In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day and American stock markets exchange about $100 billion a day.

The Foreign Exchange Market was established in 1971 with the abolishment of fixed currency exchanges. Currencies became valued at 'floating' rates determined by supply and demand. The FOREX grew steadily throughout the 1970's, but with the technological advances of the 80's FOREX grew from trading levels of $70 billion a day to the current level of $1.5 trillion.

The FOREX is made up of about 5000 trading institutions such as international banks, central government banks (such as the US Federal Reserve), and commercial companies and brokers for all types of foreign currency exchange. There is no centralized location of FOREX – major trading centers are located in New York, Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Frankfurt, and all trading is by telephone or over the Internet. Businesses use the market to buy and sell products in other countries, but most of the activity on the FOREX is from currency traders who use it to generate profits from small movements in the market.

Even though there are many huge players in FOREX, it is accessible to the small investor thanks to recent changes in the regulations. Previously, there was a minimum transaction size and traders were required to meet strict financial requirements. With the advent of Internet trading, regulations have been changed to allow large interbank units to be broken down into smaller lots. Each lot is worth about $100,000 and is accessible to the individual investor through 'leverage' – loans extended for trading. Typically, lots can be controlled with a leverage of 100:1 meaning that US$1,000 will allow you to control a $100,000 currency exchange.

There are many advantages to trading in FOREX.

  • Liquidity - Because of the size of the Foreign Exchange Market, investments are extremely liquid. International banks are continuously providing bid and ask offers and the high number of transactions each day means there is always a buyer or a seller for any currency.
  • Accessibility – The market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The market opens Monday morning Australian time and closes Friday afternoon New York time. Trades can be done on the Internet from your home or office.
  • Open Market – Currency fluctuations are usually caused by changes in national economies. News about these changes is accessible to everyone at the same time – there can be no 'insider trading' in FOREX.
  • No commission – Brokers earn money by setting a 'spread' – the difference between what a currency can be bought at and what it can be sold at.

How does it work?

Currencies are always traded in pairs – the US dollar against the Japanese yen, or the English pound against the euro. Every transaction involves selling one currency and buying another, so if an investor believes the euro will gain against the dollar, he will sell dollars and buy euros.

The potential for profit exists because there is always movement between currencies. Even small changes can result in substantial profits because of the large amount of money involved in each transaction. At the same time, it can be a relatively safe market for the individual investor. There are safeguards built in to protect both the broker and the investor and a number of software tools exist to minimize loss.

ForexGen Introduces Forex Market

The Foreign Exchange Market – better known as FOREX - is a world wide market for buying and selling currencies. It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $1.5 trillion (US dollars).

In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day and American stock markets exchange about $100 billion a day.

The Foreign Exchange Market was established in 1971 with the abolishment of fixed currency exchanges. Currencies became valued at 'floating' rates determined by supply and demand. The FOREX grew steadily throughout the 1970's, but with the technological advances of the 80's FOREX grew from trading levels of $70 billion a day to the current level of $1.5 trillion.

The FOREX is made up of about 5000 trading institutions such as international banks, central government banks (such as the US Federal Reserve), and commercial companies and brokers for all types of foreign currency exchange. There is no centralized location of FOREX – major trading centers are located in New York, Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Frankfurt, and all trading is by telephone or over the Internet. Businesses use the market to buy and sell products in other countries, but most of the activity on the FOREX is from currency traders who use it to generate profits from small movements in the market.

Even though there are many huge players in FOREX, it is accessible to the small investor thanks to recent changes in the regulations. Previously, there was a minimum transaction size and traders were required to meet strict financial requirements. With the advent of Internet trading, regulations have been changed to allow large interbank units to be broken down into smaller lots. Each lot is worth about $100,000 and is accessible to the individual investor through 'leverage' – loans extended for trading. Typically, lots can be controlled with a leverage of 100:1 meaning that US$1,000 will allow you to control a $100,000 currency exchange.

There are many advantages to trading in FOREX.

  • Liquidity - Because of the size of the Foreign Exchange Market, investments are extremely liquid. International banks are continuously providing bid and ask offers and the high number of transactions each day means there is always a buyer or a seller for any currency.
  • Accessibility – The market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The market opens Monday morning Australian time and closes Friday afternoon New York time. Trades can be done on the Internet from your home or office.
  • Open Market – Currency fluctuations are usually caused by changes in national economies. News about these changes is accessible to everyone at the same time – there can be no 'insider trading' in FOREX.
  • No commission – Brokers earn money by setting a 'spread' – the difference between what a currency can be bought at and what it can be sold at.

How does it work?

Currencies are always traded in pairs – the US dollar against the Japanese yen, or the English pound against the euro. Every transaction involves selling one currency and buying another, so if an investor believes the euro will gain against the dollar, he will sell dollars and buy euros.

The potential for profit exists because there is always movement between currencies. Even small changes can result in substantial profits because of the large amount of money involved in each transaction. At the same time, it can be a relatively safe market for the individual investor. There are safeguards built in to protect both the broker and the investor and a number of software tools exist to minimize loss.

Trading on Margin with ForexGen

The key to FOREX popularity is margin. Without margin, the FOREX would be beyond the reach of the average investor. So, what exactly is margin and how does it work?

Margin accounts allow FOREX traders to control large amounts of currency with a relatively small deposit.

Establishing a margin account with a FOREX broker enables you to borrow money from the broker to control currency lots which are usually worth $100,000. The amount of borrowing power your margin account gives you is the leverage. Leverage is usually expressed as a ratio – a leverage of 100:1 means you can control assets worth 100 times your deposit.

What this means in FOREX is that with a 1% margin account you can control standard lots of $100,000 with a $1,000 deposit. Trading on margin increases both profits and losses, and the potential exists for the trader to lose more than his original deposit. With proper safeguards, however, loss can be limited, and usually brokers will terminate a transaction that extends beyond the margin deposit.


As we mentioned above, trading on margin gives you more buying power and the potential for more profits (and losses). How does this work, exactly? A 1% margin account allows you to control a currency lot of $100,000 for $1,000. When dealing with $100,000 small changes in the price of the currency can result in large profits or losses.

FOREX currencies are traded in much smaller units than cash. The American dollar, for example, is traded in units down to 4 decimal places. Instead of $1.32 FOREX quotes are seen as $1.3256. The smallest unit in FOREX currencies is called the pip, and when you have a $100,000 each pip of your total lot is worth $10 (when trading American dollars).

If the price of American dollars changes from 1.3256 to 1.3356, that's a difference of 100 pips which represents a profit or loss of $1000. Without margin, if you had $1000 of currency, the price change from 1.3256 to 1.3356 represents a difference of $10. Significant to the tourist, perhaps, but not the investor.

So the benefit of margin is increased profit potential.


As there is increased profit potential, there is also increased loss potential. If you are not careful, your entire margin account could quickly be wiped out. If your margin account is 1% and the currency moves just one cent against you, you lose $1000.

FOREX trading, however, has several methods to limit loss. Stop loss orders automatically close your position if the value of the currency crosses a pre-determined point. Stop loss orders allow you to limit your losses to a specified amount while still allowing potential profit taking.

An often overlooked risk is the possibility that your broker may close your position if your potential losses approach the balance of your margin account. You may be riding out a down trend with the expectations of a market reversal, but unless you replenish your margin account you may find your position has been closed. If this happens, you lose all of your margin.

For example:

You sell EUR/USD at 1.2144 (sell 100,000 euros and buy 121,440 US dollars) with the expectation that the euro will fall in price. You have a 1% margin account which means the required margin is $1,214.40. You have $1250 in your margin account, so to enter this position your margin account is left with $35.60.

You have not specified a stop loss order, and after you enter this position the euro suddenly rallies, gaining 0.0263 for a price of 1.2407. 100,000 euros are now worth US$124,070 and your 1% margin requirements have risen to $1,240.70. Depending on the policy of your broker, your position may be automatically closed or the extra funds in your margin account may be used to make up the difference. In any case, if the euro continues to gain value and you wish to ride it out (bad idea) you will have to add more funds to your margin account or risk losing everything.

Another example:

You buy USD/CHF at 1.2623 with the expectation that the US dollar will gain against the Swiss franc. You buy a standard lot of 100,000 American dollars for 126,230 Swiss francs with a margin requirement of 1% or $1,000.

As expected, the US dollar rises to 1.2683 at which point you close your position. You sell 100,000 American dollars for 126,830 Swiss francs for a profit of 600 francs or US$473.08 (600 francs divided by the exchange rate of 1.2683).

Forex Trade Sizes with ForexGen

FOREX currencies are traded in much smaller divisions than cash. Whereas the smallest division in US cash is the penny ($0.01), US currency can be traded on the FOREX in divisions of $0.0001. This smallest division is called the pip (short for Price Interest Point – sometimes just called 'points').

Since currencies are traded in large lots of (say) $100,000 - small movements in value can generate substantial profits and losses. In a lot of US$100,000 one pip is worth $10 so an increase in 40 pips (4/10 of one cent) can generate a profit or loss of $400.

Currencies are traded in lots of various sizes. The standard lot is 100,000 units of the base currency. A unit is the currency name e.g. one unit of US dollars is the dollar. So a standard lot of US currency is worth $100,000. FOREX trades can have lots of various sizes - a mini lot is 10,000 units, but the most trades are done using standard lots.

Various currencies have different sized pips. The US dollar is expressed in pips of 0.0001 while the Japanese yen is expressed in pips of 0.01. The value of a pip depends on the size of a lot and the currency pair traded. Currency pairs with USD as the quote (second) currency (e.g. CAD/USD) always have a pip value of $10 per standard lot or $1 per mini lot. A pip value calculator can be used to calculate other currencies.

Forex Options Trading with ForexGen

A currency option is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell a specified currency during a specific time period. It can be used to hedge a FOREX transaction and are a favoured method of reducing risk in companies that trade goods overseas.

There are two basic types of option: Call options and Put options. A call option gives the holder the right to buy a currency while a put option gives the holder the right to sell.

The worth of an option at expiry is equal to the value realised by the holder in exercising the option. If the holder gains nothing, the option is worth nothing. The value at any other time of the contract duration is the 'intrinsic value' – the value that can be realized if the holder exercises his option.

Intrinsic value is linked to the 'strike price' – the value specified by the option contract. A call option has intrinsic value if the spot (current) price is above the strike price. A put option has intrinsic value if the spot price is below the strike price.

If the option contract has intrinsic value it is said to be 'in the money', otherwise it is 'out of the money' or 'at the money' (at par). Options would only be exercised if they are in the money.

Options are priced according to complex formulas that take into consideration both the spot value and time value. Time value is calculated according to expected market conditions including volatility and the difference in interest rates between the two currencies. Options must be priced low enough to attract potential buyers and high enough to attract potential writers (the sellers or guarantors of the option).

Currency options are used in FOREX to minimize risk against unexpected moves in the market. If you buy an option your losses are limited to the cost of the option. Those who sell options are more vulnerable. They gain the premium but they are exposed to unlimited loss if the market moves against them.

As a hedging tool, there are many different types of options available. They are often used by companies that trade overseas to minimize the potential for loss due to fluctuations in the foreign exchange market.

FOREX trades have a special type of option available known as a Digital Option. This option pays a specified amount at expiration if the criteria are met, otherwise it pays nothing.

FOREX traders who wish to use a digital option first decide which direction the market is moving. They then decide on a payoff amount if the market moves as expected within a certain time frame. With this information the cost of the option is calculated.

For example:

The price of the euro is currently trading at about 1.2400 and you expect it to rise to 1.2800 within 3 months. You decide to buy a put digital option with a payoff of $5000. The cost of the option is $800.

If at the end of the 3 months the euro is more than 1.2800 you get $5000. If the price is less, you lose $800.

Different Types of Forex Orders with ForexGen

A trader has at his disposal different types of orders to make FOREX trades. A clear understanding of each type of order is necessary to be a successful FOREX trader.

Market Order – is an order to buy or sell at the current market price. They can be used to enter or exit a trade.

Market orders should be used with care because in fast-moving markets there may be a difference between the price seen at the time a market order is given and the actual price of the transaction. This is due to slippage – the amount the market moves in the few seconds between giving an order and having it executed. Slippage could result in a loss or gain of several pips.

Limit Order – is an order to buy or sell at a certain limit. They can be used to buy currency below the market price or sell currency above the market price. When buying, your order is executed when the market falls to your limit order price. When selling, your order is executed when the market rises to your limit order price. There is no slippage with limit orders.

Stop Order – is an order to buy above the market or to sell below the market. They are most commonly used as stop-loss orders to limit losses if the market moves contrary to what the trader expected. A stop-loss order will sell the currency if the market falls below the point set by the trader.

One Cancels the Other (OCO) – this order is used when placing a limit order and a stop-loss order at the same time. If either order is executed the other is cancelled, allowing the trader to make a transaction without monitoring the market. If the market falls, the stop-loss order will be executed, but if the market rises to the level of the limit order, the currency will be sold at a profit.

  • Example OCO Transaction:

Buy: 1 standard lot EUR/USD @ 1.3228 = $132,280
Pip Value: 1 pip = $10
Stop-Loss: 1.3203
Limit: 1.3328

This is an order to buy US dollars at 1.3328 and to sell them if they fall to 1.3203 (resulting in a loss of 25 pips or $250) or to sell them if they rise to 1.3328 (resulting in a profit of 100 pips or $1,000).

  • Here's another example:

The current bid/ask price for US dollars and Canadian dollars is

USD/CDN 1.2152/57

...meaning you can buy $1 US for 1.2152 CDN or sell 1.2157 CDN for $1 US.

If you think that the US dollar (USD) is undervalued against the Canadian dollar (CDN) you would buy USD (simultaneously selling CDN) and wait for the US dollar to rise.

This is the transaction: Buy USD: 1 standard lot USD/CDN @ 1.2157 = $121,570 CDN
Pip Value: 1 pip = $10
Stop-Loss: 1.2147
Margin: $1,000 (1%)

You are buying US$100,000 and selling CDN$121,570. Your stop loss order will be executed if the dollar falls below 1.2147, in which case you will lose $100.

However, USD/CDN rises to 1.2192/87. You can now sell $1 US for 1.2192 CDN or sell 1.2187 CDN for $1 US.

Because you entered the transaction by buying US dollars (buying long), you must now sell US dollars and buy back CDN dollars to realize your profit.

You sell US$100,000 at the current USD/CDN rate of 1.2192, and receive 121,920 CDN for which you originally paid CDN$121,570. Your profit is $350 Canadian dollars or US$287.19 (350 divided by the current exchange rate of 1.2187).

Profitable ForexGen Strategies and Techniques

If you are an experienced ‘FOREX’ Trader or just a beginner looking for the opportunities offered in the ‘FOREX' market, ForexGen has created ForexGen Academy to give you the chance to get a ‘FOREX’ education and improve your trading skills. No hard expressions, no buzz words, and no rocket science language are used throughout these lessons.

Forex is the acronym for Foreign Exchange Market. This is the biggest and most liquid market of the entire world today. One to three trillion dollars exchange hands at Forex every day. That's a huge amount of money. No stock market exchange of any country come close to this.

This market is huge. It is a sea of money full of sharks and dangerous waters, but it is also the only market where you at least hypothetically can make $1,000,000 in two weeks starting with only $1,000.

I say hypothetically because what happens often is that people blindly gamble their money at Forex without knowing anything about it and they lose their shirt. That's why I say to you: be careful! This market is profitable, but you need to learn the basics well, do your homework and demo trade a lot.

Just remember that 95% of traders lose money, 5% make it and less than 1% become rich at Forex. The nice thing about this market is that you can make money without creating any product or service, selling anything, nor advertising. You just trade some cash and get paid depending on your knowledge and expertise.

This is the market where banks, transnational corporations and individual traders exchange one currency for another. I am talking about the spot Forex market. You can trade at huge leverage as much as 400 to 1, meaning that for every dollar that you have for trading you can trade 400. For example if you have $1,000 on your account you can trade as much as $400,000.

This is dangerous. Most experienced traders won't use such a high leverage. In the other hand, high leverage can be good if you learn how to use it in your favor. Anyway, that's enough for the basics.

Now let's talk about the strategies and how some traders make money at Forex. Let's start by saying that what works for me may not necessary work for you. Trading currencies is risky. That's a fact. But ultimately I discovered a few strategies that could give novice traders a winning edge.

Trading Forex is not as easy as most people think. Today you may be earning a lot and tomorrow you are losing 40% of your starting capital. Novice traders often make the same mistakes over and over again. I will enumerate a few of them bellow.

1. Do not look for a holly grail of trading.

This is for people who are afraid to lose or are too greedy and want to get rich quick. Even when it seems so, The Forex Market is not the place to get rich quick. Yes, you can make a lot of money over time and yes you don't have to sell anything, nor create or advertise any products. Still you have to learn a whole lot about what makes this market tick and what moves the price of the currencies plus how to manage your money effectively so you don't lose your shirt.

Many novice traders spend a LOT of time searching a perfect strategy that will allow them to always win-win and never lose. They want to have guaranteed profits because they can't stand to lose and/or they want to make too much (millions) quick so they can retire fast and buy a mansion in a far distant beautiful tropical island. It doesn't happen.

Don't waist your time. A trading strategy that allows you to have guaranteed profits do not exist. Trading is very risky. That's why it is so profitable. Remember: "no risk, no reward." So, do not try to always win on every trade. It is simply not possible. There is no way to get rid of the fact of uncertainty. What I mean is that no matter how effective your trading strategy may be, sometimes it will fail and you have to be ready to face this fact.

By not trying to find a perfect strategy that turns you into a millionaire fast, you will just save a ton of your own time and efforts. It doesn't exist. If you find it, please don't tell me about it. First I won't believe you. Second I don't need it. You will find out bellow why I say that I won't need it.

2. Use technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

When I started trading I didn't believe in this. I wanted to find a strategy which consisted of money management alone (which I explain bellow). This is not good! Money management is important but you still need the other two. You define ("predict") where the market is heading to depending on how effective your technical and fundamental strategies are.

Mastering technical analysis is the ability to predict future price movements by analyzing past price data and graphical patterns. You get a graphic of certain currencies. Check the data that you observe and based on your knowledge of technical analysis you "predict" with certain degree of accuracy where the market is going.

Many brokers allow you to add technical indicators to the graphs while you are trading. You can try this on a demo account and see how well you are able to define the future price movement of the currencies you plan to trade. One of those brokers is

There are many technical indicators. I can't tell which one will be more effective for you. Every trader is different. This is something that you will have to discover by yourself. There is not a hidden secret or magic formula for trading Forex. It is what you do every minute when you are in front of the graphics and checking the news what really counts.

The secret is in your overall knowledge and your decisions. This comes with experience and practice. If you open an account with one of these online brokers you can trade on paper before you trade with real money, so you can learn and practice before you risk any capital.

Let me tell you about a few technical indicators that you can use. You can use the MACD (Moving average convergence divergence), the Bollinger Bands, Pivot Points, RSI, Stochastic, Fibonacci, EMA, Elliot Waves and many others. There are in fact many technical indicators but these are among the most widely known and used.

When you add technical indicators to the graphic the brokers software will automatically perform mathematical calculations to reveal interesting facts and patterns about the graphics that you can't readily see without said indicators. You can use the technical indicators to create your own technical systems.

These systems will never work 100% of the time, but if they work 70% — 80% it may be enough. That's because you can control your risks with money management techniques as I describe bellow.

To further increase your probability of winning and reduce your probability of losing on every trade you can use fundamental analysis. I think that most traders choose one or the other but many traders use both.

Fundamental analysis is to trade the news. What is going on with the countries's economies of the currencies that you are trading? What is the unemployment index? Did something suddenly happen that could drastically affect the price of the currencies?

ForexGen is the easiest and fastest gateway for the traders to perform successful trading, which provides a unique institutional investor professional facilities and highly qualified individualized services for the international customer.

ForexGen Develops Your Trading System

Why You Need To Develop Your Own Trading System

ForexGen studies past price and volume changes in order to build up simulations on future price movements. ForexGen's analysts mainly make use of charts and financial formulas to gather enough information used in technical price speculations.

Novice traders say they do not have the time, the aptitude, the talent nor the brains to work out how to trade properly. They would rather purchase a program or subscribe to a trading system for hundreds — or in some cases — thousands of dollars. They say they do not have to do anything except be told what to buy, when to buy and how much of it you need to buy. Some ask me if this strategy or approach is advisable for trading the financial markets. To answer this question, I am then forced to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using such an approach to trading.

There are reasons why a trader would use a system or strategy that someone else developed and tested:

1. It is easy. A novice trader does not need to study how the market works and how he interacts with that market. He does not need to educate himself: he does not need to bother with books and seminars. He does not need to test the system, since the seller has already done that for him and reported promising hypothetical or actual results.

2. A novice trader hopes to get a trading system at a 'bargain' price: sometimes even for free.

Hazards of trading a system or strategy developed and tested by someone else are the following:

1. Faulty Systems

There are many faulty systems out there. They may be faulty because their assumptions and their mechanisms may no longer be true, accurate or valid. As a novice trader, how can you distinguish between the good systems and the bad systems if you don't know how trading systems are built?

2. Discipline and confidence

All systems have draw down periods. Some good systems may not make money for six months or an entire year. Even if it was a good system, can you continue to follow it even if it gives you a loss after a loss after a loss? How can you follow it if you do not have confidence in it? How can you be confident if you do not know the ins and outs of the system and if you have not tested it yourself?

I do not believe that people would blindly follow a system even if they were told that it would bring them riches. I can give someone a trading system, I can supply him with exceptional hypothetical or actual results and still, he would not be able to follow it.

I remember giving my dad a fully-mechanical trading system I developed. I told him a few simple rules and I told him not to question them. All he had to do was to follow them. We both traded it for two months, I grew my small account by roughly 50% (it happened to be a good two months), but he was losing. He wondered why. I asked to see his trading records. When I looked at his trading records, I found that he kept disobeying the rules. When I asked him why he disobeyed them, he wanted to improve the results after it had a couple of losing trades. He was trying to improve the results. According to him, the system asked him to do what he thought was not right during certain market conditions, so he did not follow it. I found simple errors too, including opening trades at market price instead of waiting for buy and sell stop orders at support and resistance levels to get triggered. I also asked that he executes trades at the close, but oftentimes he traded two hours before or after the close at his discretion. There were many more rules he breached. He is a smart man: a former civil engineer and now a manager for a big organization. Why could he not follow instructions? It is simple. He did not know the reasons behind the rules I had set and so he did not appreciate them. His money was on the line and after a series of losses, he lost faith in the system easier than I did because he did not develop and test it himself.

To overcome the hazards above, I see no way except for a trader to learn how to develop his own trading methodology. This is the only way a trader can know if a particular system or strategy is good or not.

Once a trader learns how to develop systems and strategies, he can then be better equipped to test them as well. By this point he might even find that he is better off using the system he created, because it becomes increasingly difficult to find another system more suited to his profit objectives while operating within his risk tolerance levels. It is likely that once he develops this level of competence, he will simply acquire other systems only to dissect them, grab the parts he likes and add them to his own system. To me, the irony is that for a trader to know which system to purchase, he must first learn how to create a system. And after knowing how to create a system, he will no longer have the need to buy one.

ForexGen trading service performance is based on respect and appreciation which is only achieved by offering intelligent trading tools for secure online trading. ForexGen provides advanced online trading software with full trading services.

ForexGen Forex Trading Advice

ForexGen introduces to all its users a free online academy that would aid them in either learning more about Forex market or in developing their strategies. It is a free academy available online; you can register and enjoy ForexGen services.

Do You Have A Back Up Plan?

I know a woman in her sixties. She worked for a company for a little more than a decade as an administration and office assistant for a staff of one hundred sales people, who loved her dearly. She always made sure all the faxes got to their desks; the stationery stock was full and each staff member had what he needed.

Beyond her job description, she was like a mother to all of them: making sure the toilets got cleaned, old food was removed from the fridge and decorating the entire floor which the department occupied. She worked hard and never complained. She was always smiling, friendly and polite.

She felt good about being a 'mother' to all the people who entered and left that department. She was comfortable with her position. No-one else could do the things she did. And she did them better than anyone else in the building.

One day, she went to work as usual. After doing her morning chores, she was invited to the office, where she was told her services were no longer needed. The company was undergoing certain cost-cutting measures in every department and unfortunately, her role would have to be sacrificed. She was then asked to leave the building as soon as possible. She was assured, however, that before having made the decision, every attempt had been made to find a position for her somewhere within the company.

She has financial obligations to fulfill and she still hasn't saved enough for her retirement. She still has credit to pay off and she was saving for a trip overseas, something she never got around to doing in her younger years. She wanted to save up to establish a book-selling business. Suddenly, she would have to re-evaluate her plans. Losing a job and nearing retirement age, she will have to relinquish some of the things she had dream for herself.

I am sure you have heard hundreds of similar stories like these. Just five months before writing this article, I had already read about companies cutting costs by laying off jobs. Their main reason is to remain competitive, so they would not have to raise the prices they charge to their customers. Companies are outsourcing jobs overseas because the labor costs in other countries are relatively cheap compared to the local currency and sometimes because of significant skills or technological advantages. Other businesses lessen staff when sales drop and they can no longer sustain to pay the same number of people they have on their payroll. No organization — not even a big, established business — is immune from the need to become leaner in an ever-increasingly competitive market environment.

In the past, most people believed the companies or the governments — whom they work for — could guarantee them a job for life. Nowadays, I think more and more people are becoming increasingly aware that expecting to have a job-for-life is unrealistic. It is a dire predicament to be working everyday, taking care of someone else business and realizing that at the end of one's career, years of service do not guarantee one's well-being. Because of this, I believe that people are now looking to improve their chances of having enough funds to meet their needs and wants after retirement.

I think there is a dawning awareness that the ultimate responsibility for one's own well-being lies within each individual. People are beginning to understand that their boss or the company they work for does not have an obligation nor the ability to ensure that they are taken care of when they finish working for them.

According to an article written by John Roskam, based on a forthcoming Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) Backgrounder on self-employment and the self-reliant society, the trend to self-employment will speed up in coming decades. Five reasons explain this change:

1. Our societies will continue to develop knowledge-intensive and service industries.

2. Jobs of the future need more education; however, better educated workers might opt to work for themselves instead.

3. Older workers are more comfortable with being self-employed than the younger workers, which might indicate individuals would prefer to work for themselves as they grow older.

4. Individuals want more control and flexibility over their working arrangements and self-employment allows for this.

5. Individuals are more willing to assume responsibility for the decisions that affect their lives and their families.

In addition to this trend, more and more people are now seeking to gain greater control over their financial assets.

For widening your knowledge and trading experience, you can easily join ForexGen online academy and start develop your own way in handling Forex trade.

ForexGen Your Guide to Learning A Forex Trading System

There are a great number of people in America that are interested in investing in order to make a tidy profit. There are many ways to invest and many ways to make profits by investing. One method that has been gaining in popularity is that of the Forex trading system. If you are unsure of what this is, let me explain. Forex stands for foreign exchange. A Forex trading system is defined as the simultaneous exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. If you would like more information, please let this be your guide to learning a Forex trading system.

The Forex trading system involves trading some of the world's most major currencies. These are: the dollar, yen, British pound, Swiss franc, and the Euro. The way the exchange rates of these types of currencies change is based on economic growth. An example: Sometimes the Dollar is worth more than the British pound because the United States was in a period of economic growth while Britain was on the decline. This can be because the unemployment rate was declining in the United States, while on the rise in Britain. Another example: the export rate is up in Asia so the yen is worth more than the Swiss franc where the export rate is down. Economic growth changes daily, so the value of these currencies changes daily. You need to learn to watch for these changes in order to make any money with the Forex trading system.

The Forex Trading system is much larger than that of all U.S. stock markets combined. In fact, the Forex Trading system makes about 1.9 trillion dollars each year. This is 30 times larger than the U.S. stock markets. Also, Forex trading is done throughout the entire world, so it is available 24 hours a day, unlike the U.S. stock markets.

You can learn the Forex trading system for free online at various websites. ForexGen offers a free demo account and free Forex trading System training. This way you can practice everything you learn for free, without investing or losing any real money. Then when you get a feel for the Forex trading system, many websites offer a free 30 day trial or free trades to new investors. It is best to utilize some of this free training and the free demo accounts before you start investing your own money.

Now that you understand the Forex trading system a little better, you may wish to get access to ForexGen and start investing. There is a lot of money to be made, or lost. Be careful and make sure you get the proper training first.

Sorts Of Forex Traders | ForexGen

If you are an experienced ‘FOREX’ Trader or just a beginner looking for the opportunities offered in the ‘FOREX' market, ForexGen has created ForexGen Academy to give you the chance to get a ‘FOREX’ education and improve your trading skills. No hard expressions, no buzz words, and no rocket science language are used throughout these lessons.

What is the very reason why people get into forex currency trading? The money, of course. They would not be in it for anything other than that. Although there are very few who are more interested in knowing how the foreign market and the system work. But few of them really. Forex currency trading can offer a lot of money if the trader knows how to play their cards right.

Foreign currency trading has become the best income-generating industry in the world today. It is quite understandable because people do not need years of education to get into one. Compared with other industries that require some years of expertise, traders only have to learn some basic points about foreign currency trading, online for that matter. With ForexGen offering free trainings and instant education, it is no wonder that people can get into foreign currency trading without any hassle at all.

Many people get into foreign currency trading but not all become successful either.

Some of the factors affecting the foreign currency trading are those within the market itself. These are expected and traders should know them about them first-hand to be able to anticipate and plan the needed action to counter it.

Other reasons for not succeeding in the foreign currency trading is because of the traders themselves. lacking of discipline and poor money management to mention some. These are problems that could be prevented but was not given much attention to.

There are really no personification of the "perfect trader" because the foreign currency trading is not perfect itself. Though some advises are given, they do not really ensure smooth sailing in the foreign currency trading. they just serve as guidelines to give traders some pointers on what to do when the situation calls for it.

Here are some of types of persons who enter into foreign currency trading that people do not know about and may not get to read everyday. They may sound almost absurd but there are really some of them out there.

The type who put your investment in the safest possible market. Then try to forget about them. The fact that some traders are really not into the foreign currency trading but is trying to "make" it there is an accepted fact. There are those who just want to invest and not make time for them. This is the best advise that can be given those kinds.

If they do not have the patience to try and make their trades work then they could just invest into some stable market and have them check one in a while. Or forget them altogether. They would be surprise at how their foreign currency trading is coming along without them putting any time and work into them.

It can work too. Money is not the issue here. Some people may just want to be a part of foreign currency trading and leave everything to fate. One way or another they are at least contributing to the industry. At least, their money is.

The itchy trader. This is the traders who are the exact opposite of the first ones mentioned. This kind of trader is the impatient one. Always trying to check what has been happening to the foreign currency trading especially the trade that he or she have invested on.

This is the kind that does not play around with money. Every cent counts and if putting some of it into the foreign currency trading would multiply that sum, then the trader would do everything to make it gain some profit. If it means taking more time and dedication that is allowed, then this trader would be more than happy to spend more time in the foreign currency trading.

By registering on ForexGen, you create your ForexGen profile and you can go ahead and open as many Demo accounts, and live accounts as you need. All accounts can be created online and managed under your ForexGen profile. You can mix between Mini, Standard, Pro, Premium and No Dealing Desk accounts in one.

Forex Psychological Analysis | ForexGen

Forex: No psychological limitations

ForexGen introduces to all its users a free online academy that would aid them in either learning more about Forex market or in developing their strategies. It is a free academy available online; you can register and enjoy ForexGen services.

Back when I first started learning about investing, I decided to start from the beginning and read basic books on personal finance as well as "guides" for understanding all of the investment world in a nut shell. Most of these authors were very knowledgeable and informative, but their investment advice was far too conservative for my taste. They would literally write chapter after chapter talking about the differences between conservative investing, which according to them generally yields somewhere around 5% PA, as opposed to "risky" investing which usually meant a diversified stock/mutual fund portfolio yielding (in my mind) only slightly higher averages. What kind of returns can you expect in the stock market? Well they say the market has gone up an average of 10% a year since Adam and Eve. Popular indexes like the DOW and the now more popular S&P500 have always, like real estate, "gone up over time."

Now, these market averages are almost worshiped like golden calves. Repeatedly drilled into my brain was the concept that there were hundreds (if not thousands) of fund managers and other "professionals" out there with Harvard degrees, decades of experience, millions of dollars under management, and they were all spending 15 hours a day consuming every single bit of market information in the hopes of beating these golden calves by a few points.

What chance did I have? If Dr. Fund Guru Jr. who eats, sleeps, breathes the markets and has more credentials than I have individual hairs on my body can't consistently make 20% a year...well...forget it kid...your chances are slim to none. I guess I'll buy some shares of XYZ fund and accept the scraps off the table from the stock gurus.

The foreign exchange market offers many benefits that the stock market does not have. Most of these have been beaten to death on various forums, blogs, articles, e-books, etc. However, it's always good to reiterate the positive (my own personal reason is last) — Forex offers unprecedented liquidity. With over two trillion dollars transacted per day on the market, it makes filling any buy/sell order virtually instant. That equates to less slippage and more profitability. "Paper trading" stocks vs actually trading stocks is very different, because orders may not be filled in a timely manner. The difference between trading a forex demo account and an actual account is virtually nill. — Forex is available 24 hours a day 5.5 days a week, as opposed to the daylight trading hours of the stock exchanges. — Forex is uncontrollable by large entities. Large net worth individuals, banks and fund managers who throw their weight around in the stock market can often have huge effects on price action. Because of the immense volume of foreign currency traded per day, the market is unmoved by "heavy hitters." Not even central banks can control the Forex market. — Forex offers up to 200:1 leverage as opposed to 2:1 stock leverage. — Forex has no restrictions for selling short, as opposed to the stock market's "uptick" rule — Forex can actually be traded INSIDE of an IRA or Roth IRA account. — Forex gains are taxed at the preferred 60/40 rate, no matter what trading style you use (intra-day, swing, position) as opposed to the tax penalties for holding stocks for short periods of time.

The list does go on, but for me the biggest advantage is a psychological one. I know it probably sounds silly, but fear and intimidation can sometimes subconsciously defeat us before we even begin. I don't like the idea of having to live up to, and in a way, compete with "professional managers" who have more knowledge of the fundamentals of the markets than I ever will. It's almost as if Forex, in some way, levels the playing field. I don't have to psychologically compete against anyone's idea of what kind of returns are "acceptable and realistic" and what kind of returns are "pure fantasy." I only have to trade until I can find an acceptable reward to risk ratio, and consistent profitability thereof.

ForexGen delivers what traders want: instant order execution, lowest spreads, flexible starting capital, fast online and free deposits and withdrawal, and most of all, solid funds security.

Winning in trading depends on using the right strategy and controlling all the moves.
Trading strategies are discussed in details at ForexGen Academy.

Mistakes in a Trading Environment | ForexGen

Trading Psychology: Mistakes in a Trading Environment

If you are an experienced ‘FOREX’ Trader or just a beginner looking for the opportunities offered in the ‘FOREX' market, ForexGen has created ForexGen Academy to give you the chance to get a ‘FOREX’ education and improve your trading skills.

When it comes to trading, one of the most neglected subjects are those dealing with trading psychology. Most traders spend days, months and even years trying to find the right system. But having a system is just part of the game. Don't get us wrong, it is very important to have a system that perfectly suits the trader, but it is as important as having a money management plan, or to understand all psychology barriers that may affect the trader decisions and other issues. In order to succeed in this business, there must be equilibrium between all important aspects of trading.

In the trading environment, when you lose a trade, what is the first idea that pops up in your mind? It would probably be, "There must be something wrong with my system", or "I knew it, I shouldn't have taken this trade" (even when your system signaled it). But sometimes we need to dig a little deeper in order to see the nature of our mistake, and then work on it accordingly.

When it comes to trading the Forex market as well as other markets, only 5% of traders achieve the ultimate goal: to be consistent in profits. What is interesting though is that there is just a tiny difference between this 5% of traders and the rest of them. The top 5% grow from mistakes; mistakes are a learning experience, they learn an invaluable lesson on every single mistake made. Deep in their minds, a mistake is one more chance to try it harder and do it better the next time, because they know they might not get a chance the next time. And at the end, this tiny difference becomes THE big difference.

Mistakes in the trading environment

Most of us relate a trading mistake to the outcome (in terms of money) of any given trade. The truth is, a mistake has nothing to do with it, mistakes are made when certain guidelines are not followed. When the rules you trade by are violated. Take for instance the following scenarios:

First scenario: The system signals a trade

1. Signal taken and trade turns out to be a profitable trade. Outcome of the trade: Positive, made money. Experience gained: Its good to follow the system, if I do this consistently the odds will turn in my favor. Confidence is gained in both the trader and the system. Mistake made: None.

2. Signal taken and trade turns out to be a loosing trade. Outcome of the trade: Negative, lost money. Experience gained: It is impossible to win every single trade, a loosing trade is just part of the business; our raw material, we know we can't get them all right. Even with this lost trade, the trader is proud about himself for following the system. Confidence in the trader is gained. Mistake made: None.

3. Signal not taken and trade turns out to be a profitable trade. Outcome of the trade: Neutral. Experience gained: Frustration, the trader always seems to get in trades that turned out to be loosing trades and let the profitable trades go away. Confidence is lost in the trader self. Mistake made: Not taking a trade when the system signaled it.

4. Signal not taken and trade turns out to be a loosing trade. Outcome of the trade: Neutral. Experience gained: The trader will start to think "hey, I'm better than my system". Even if the trader doesn't think on it consciously, the trader will rationalize on every signal given by the system because deep in his or her mind, his or her "feeling" is more intelligent than the system itself. From this point on, the trader will try to outguess the system. This mistake has catastrophic effects on our confidence to the system. The confidence on the trader turns into overconfidence. Mistake made: Not taking a trade when system signaled it

Second Scenario: System does not signal a trade

1. No trade is taken Outcome of the trade: Neutral Experience gained: Good discipline, we only need to take trades when the odds are in our favor, just when the system signals it. Confidence gained in both the trader self and the system. Mistake made: None

2. A trade is taken, turns out to be a profitable trade. Outcome of the trade: Positive, made money. Experience gained: This mistake has the most catastrophic effects in the trader self, the system and most importantly in the trader's trading career. You will start to think you need no system, you know better from them all. From this point on, you will start to trade based on what you think. Confidence in the system is totally lost. Confidence in the trader self turns into overconfidence. Mistake made: Take a trade when there was no signal from the system.

3. A trade is taken, turned out to be a loosing trade. Outcome of the trade: negative, lost money. Experience gained: The trader will rethink his strategy. The next time, the trader will think it twice before getting in a trade when the system does not signal it. The trader will go "Ok, it is better to get in the market when my system signals it, only those trade have a higher probability of success". Confidence is gained in the system. Mistake made: Take a trade when there was no signal from the system.

As you can see, there is absolutely no correlation between the outcome of the trade and a mistake. The most catastrophic mistake even has a positive trade outcome, made money, but this could be the beginning of the end of the trader's career. As we have already stated, mistakes must only be related to the violation of rules a trader trades by.

All these mistakes were directly related to the signals given by a system, but the same is applied when getting out of a trade. There are also mistakes related to following a trading plan. For example, risking more money on a given trade than the amount the trader should have risked and many more.

Most mistakes can be avoided by first having a trading plan. A trading plan includes the system: the criteria we use to get in and out the market, the money management plan: how much we will risk on any given trade, and many other points. Secondly, and most important, we need to have the discipline to follow strictly our plan. We created our plan when no trade was placed on, thus no psychology barriers were up front. So, the only thing we are certain about is that if we follow our plan, the decision taken is on our best interests, and in the long run, these decisions will help us have better results. We don't have to worry about isolated events, or trades that could had give us better results at first, but then they could have catastrophic results in our trading career.

How to deal with mistakes

There are many possible ways to properly manage mistakes. We will suggest the one that works better for us.

Step one: Belief change. Every mistake is a learning experience. They all have something valuable to offer. Try to counteract the natural tendency of feeling frustrated and approach mistakes in a positive manner. Instead of yelling to everyone around and feeling disappointed, say to yourself "ok, I did something wrong, what happened? What is it?

Step two: Identify the mistake made. Define the mistake, find out what caused the mistake, and try as hard as you can to effectively see the nature of that mistake. Finding the mistake nature will prevent you from making the same mistake again. More than often you will find the answer where you less expected. Take for instance a trader that doesn't follow the system. The reason behind this could be that the trader is afraid of loosing. But then, why is he or she afraid? It could be that the trader is using a system that does not fit him or her, and finds difficult to follow every signal. In this case, as you can see, the nature of the mistake is not in the surface. You need to try as hard as you can to find the real reason of the given mistake.

Step three: Measure the consequences of the mistake. List the consequences of making that particular mistake, both good and bad. Good consequences are those that make us better traders after dealing with the mistake. Think on all possible reasons you can learn from what happened. For the same example above, what are the consequences of making that mistake? Well, if you don't follow the system, you will gradually loose confidence in it, and this at the end will put you into trades you don't really want to be, and out of trades you should be in.

Step four: Take action. Taking proper action is the last and most important step. In order to learn, you need to change your behavior. Make sure that whatever you do, you become "this-mistake-proof". By taking action we turn every single mistake into a small part of success in our trading career. Continuing with the same example, redefining the system would be the trader's final step. The trader would put a system that perfectly fits him or her, so the trader doesn't find any trouble following it in future signals.

Understanding the fact that the outcome of any trade has nothing to do with a mistake will open your mind to other possibilities, where you will be able to understand the nature of every mistake made. This at the same time will open the doors for your trading career as you work and take proper action on every mistake made.

For widening your knowledge and trading experience, you can easily join ForexGen online academy and start develop your own way in handling Forex trade.

Overcome Your Fear And Trade With ForexGen

If you are an experienced ‘FOREX’ Trader or just a beginner looking for the opportunities offered in the ‘FOREX' market, ForexGen has created ForexGen Academy to give you the chance to get a ‘FOREX’ education and improve your trading skills.

Forex Trading: The Fear Factor

Market knowledge and ability to understand analysis will only get you so far in forex trading, but without the nerve to actively compete risking your own money in the process you can never become a successful trader.

Wagering huge volumes of money in a market as susceptible to change is liable to cause a whole range of opposing emotions; fear, excitement and anxiety just to name a few. Battling against your emotions in order to complete a successful deal is one of the major hurdles, which must be overcome if you are to become a trader able to close huge deals and earn vast sums of money. If you can overcome or even use these emotions to make trades on the Forex then a successful career may be beckoning, but failure to do so will almost certainly cost you a substantial amount of money and end any lingering desires to progress in the busy world of exchange rate trading.

Initiating and closing a trade at the right times are the backbone of becoming a successful Forex trader. If a person cannot execute these deals at the right times, the psychological and financial damage can be crippling. Missing a huge trend or sitting too long on a good price, can be a demoralizing experience, but one that many will encounter during a career in Forex trading.

Entering at the right time is just one thing that must be done correctly, but if you are unable to leave at the right time or hold your nerve during the course of the trade, the implications are potentially severe. For example accepting a small loss just before the market rises can lead to a horrendous huge profit/loss ratio margin. Similarly sitting on a currency price that is plummeting for too long could be financially crippling. Understanding the Forex market and having faith in your ability to judge a trend will pay dividends if you hold your nerve, backing out at the wrong time can prove to be a catastrophic misnomer.

The fear generated by investing your own personal money is the main thing that must be overcome. It is the culprit in so many failure stories, people who just couldn't overcome their anxiety investing unwisely, pulling out at the wrong time, missing a rise completely, all result in failure and are caused by fear. Accepting this fear, and using it to your potential will make you a stronger trader, able to trade freely and enjoy the thrill of the exchange. Fighting it will get you nowhere, understanding and overcoming it are the best remedies to this baseless emotion.

Trading strategies will help you ride out the rough times and capitalize on the good ones. Sometimes just taking a step back and accepting a few losses will give you the energy and the knowledge to attack the Forex with renewed vigor, and make some serious profits. Accepting that sometimes you will lose out, you need to be able to take the hits and roll with a punch, there are no guarantees in the trading market, so being able to move on and start again is a skill that is paramount to generating success.

Analysis and charts can only get you so far. You must first master these things, and be able to correctly interpret the figures that are represented in order to spot the trends and make your move. But this all means nothing if you don't have the courage of your convictions. If you are too afraid to buy and not sure when to sell then a glittering career in market trading is likely to elude you. 'The trend is your friend' but it means nothing if you firstly can't spot it and secondly don't have the courage to back it. Knowledge, strategies and overcoming fear may well be the 3 best ways to become to unlock the door to becoming a successful trader. Without all 3 you will more often than not become unstuck, so prepare, practice and evaluate everything before taking the plunge in the complicated world of Forex trading.

ForexGen delivers what traders want: instant order execution, lowest spreads, flexible starting capital, fast online and free deposits and withdrawal, and most of all, solid funds security.

Winning in trading depends on using the right strategy and controlling all the moves.
Trading strategies are discussed in details at ForexGen Academy.